Miller Kodish's Portfolio

About Me

For as long as I can remember, I have been fascinated by the role that technology plays in our lives. Whether it be physical circuitry, or software, I have always been focused on the potential applications technology has on improving the lives of those around me. This has been what has driven me to pursue a career in Computer Engineering. I consistently look at the world of Computer Engineering as a way to bridge the pathway between the needs of the physical world, and the capabilities of the digital world. To me, engineering is the bridge that connects magic that we could only dream of to the everyday world. I am currently an undergraduate student at Purdue University's Elmore Family School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, where I am hoping to graduate with a major in Computer Engineering and a minor in Economics.

"Creativity is seeing what others see and thinking what no one else ever thought."
  - Albert Einstein

Access My Resume

If you click the button below, it will redirect you to a link containing my most up-to-date resume available.

Soldering Iron Workstation

Past Projects

This link will redirect you to a collection of a couple of documented past projects of mine, ranging from high school to college.

Github Logo

Access my Github

Click the button to gain direct access to my github to demonstrate my coding abilities.

My Skills

Below I have listed some of the skills I have that I believe are paramount to being a Computer Engineer.

Terminal Experience

I gained experience with terminal interface controls by using ssh to connect to the Purdue ECE servers. This involved using the command line interface to remotely access and control my server account's system settings built in functions. I learned to navigate the file system, run commands and scripts, and transfer files between systems. Additonally, I learned how to use programs like WinSCP to access and overwrite files remotely.

GitHub Control

Used to manage homework assignments and personal projects, using Github was an essential skill to learn. Using GitHub not only allowed me to track changes and revert to previous versions, but also collaborate with classmates on group projects. Additionally, through experimentation, I was able to develop an efficient method of documenting change in my code, allowing for easy tracking of changes for all in the repository.

Troubleshooting and Diagnostics

In my classes, I learned how to troubleshoot code and circuitry. For troubleshooting code, I learned to use GDB, a debugging tool, to find and fix errors in my code. For troubleshooting circuitry, I learned to use a multimeter to test and diagnose problems with electrical components. These skills have been invaluable in helping me to identify and resolve issues in my projects and assignments before they get too out of hand.

Coding Languages

In college, I learned a variety of coding languages, including C, MATLAB, and basic JavaScript coding. In addition to these, I also taught myself Python, Swift, and basic HTML coding. My most comfortable language to code in is C, but I am also extremely comfortable with the intracacies of Python through imported libraries. These programming languages have given me a strong foundation in computer science and have allowed me to build a diverse skill set that I can use to tackle a wide range of projects.

Integrated Circuit Experience

In my circuitry classes, I used integrated circuits such as the LM-324 and LF-356N to build op-amps, buffers, and inverters. I learned to design, test, and troubleshoot these circuits, as well as understand their principles of operation. My experience with integrated circuits was valuable and helped me develop skills in electronic design and analysis.


I learned the importance of documentation in engineering through my classes and projects. This included commenting my code, creating a README file, and writing a lab report. Documentation helps ensure that work is clear, organized, and easily understood by others, and serves as a record of the design process. It is essential for effective communication and organization in engineering.